Phew – it’s done.
That was the biggest and (I feel) the best ever Scottish conference. J. So far. Around 140 batty people “flew” in. Most came from Scotland but a few intrepid explorers crossed the borders of England and Wales, bringing with them exciting tales of rare bats and adding a touch of the exotic.

The conference was sponsored by Mark Robinson, Arborteering Limited. He’s not just an ordinary hero but a MMMM Mark Robinson super hero (that bit should be read in a deep sexy voice). Mark not ONLY sponsored the conference he ALSO ran a brilliant workshop. (HOORAY he’s not just oak- kay , he’s tree-mendous)

Julia Hanmer gave an update on What’s new in BCT? The answer is LOADS, from new research to new website resources.
Northumberland bat group (Tina Wiffen and Graeme Smart) told us about their search for the elusive Nathusius pipistrelle. Many bat calls were recorded, many volunteers recruited, many miles trudged, many oops occasional beers were quaffed (purely in th e interests of science) but NO roosts were found. Where on earth are these bats roosting??? (All together – they’re behind you!!!) The search will go on.... watch this space in 2012 for the continued adventures of the Northumberland bat group (Haway the lads ... and the lasses).

Now Culzean can boast it has 8 of the 9 Scottish species –only the whiskered bat remains to be found. (It’ll be there somewhere and what a party we’ll have when it’s found!!)
During lunch time delegates were able to watch a film (by movie – mogul Stuart Spray) entitled “Looking for Leisler’s”. Sequels are promised.
Seven different workshop topics were on offer (plus the option NOT to attend a workshop but simply take a break to catch up with bat chat).
Workshops ranged from; Bat care to bat dropping analysis with sound analysis in between. Feedback from all the workshops was very good, the only “negative“ comment was that an hour and a quarter was not long enough, everyone wanted “more, more , more.....!” So next year workshop sessions will last an hour and a half.

Eyes down, looking in for bat dropping bingo: Number 2 - longeared pooh, Legs only 7 – Spider in heaven, Shiny things – beetle wings, Bat dropping soup- crumbly poop, Tiny little bits – ex-chironomids. Guano!
Despite technical problems with the University AV equipment and a shortage of handouts* the Using Your Ears workshop by Natalie Todman got rave reviews.* (Sorry everyone the shortage of hand outs was MY fault- grovelling apology from Anne Y)
The bat care workshop had the added attraction of real bats – something that delighted participants.
Stuart Spray filmed events during the day – watch this space for a link to the results, or keep your ears open for announcements of BATFAS / Oscars in future.
It just remains for me to say thank you (to a huge long list of stars):
Stephen Brown – at Stirling University for helping organise the whole day – and the bat biscuits
John Wierwiorka- our “techie-angel”
Speakers – Julia Hanmer, Tina Wiffen, Graeme Smart, John Haddow, DR Elisa Fuentes-Montemayor ( newly doctored), and Kirsty Park
People who gave news updates- Ben Ross, Robert Raynor, Katy Freeman, Natalie Todman, Emilie Wadsworth, Andy Kerr, Tom Hastings, good looking young chap from Tayside (sorry I forgot your name)
Workshop leaders- Mark Robinson, Philip Briggs, Natalie Todman, Tom Hastings, Sue Swift, Tracey Joliffe and Danielle Linton.
Here’s a date for your diary 2012
Next year’s conference will be at the Scottish Natural Heritage Conference centre, (Battleby) near Perth, on Saturday 10th November (if the Lord spares us!!)
Can you help?
Anyone who would like to offer; talks, workshops, sponsorship or chocolate should contact
Anne Youngman, Scottish Officer, Bat Conservation Trust email: ayoungman@bats.org.uk
(Or have you suggestions for talks and speakers you’d like to hear, this is your chance to nominate a friend/colleague/victim.
THANK YOU to our sponsors Arborteering Ltd.