2012 has been a memorable year, with massive celebrations and sporting events happening across the country however for conservationists it will be remembered for all the wrong reasons; with the wettest summer on record and the year Ash dieback struck Britain. With the winter weather predicted to be just as unpredictable our wildlife is facing a truly challenging time.

The weather is still not on our side heavy rain has meant that bats have had a constant uphill battle to eat enough insects and build up enough fat stores to survive the winter. Now when bats should be hibernating we have been getting reports of bats flying at night and even during the day. Some bat workers believe this is a desperate attempt by these bats to get in enough insects to survive the winter, but the pickings will be slim and with the recent cold,wet and windy may well left these bats more drained than when they set out.
How many will survive this winter? We don’t know, but more importantly will next year will be better for them? What we do know is that we can prepare and give bats a fighting chance by acting now so that when bats wake after the winter that there is the food, shelter and habitats that they need to survive.
Bats need a connected landscape with hedgerows, waterways and trees, so
they can travel safely between their roosting and feeding sites. Over the winter we’re working with partners to protect habitats and create wildlife rich meadows, forests, gardens and parks and build new sites to shelter bats.

Julia our Chief Executive sums it up nicely
“We know there are huge challenges ahead,
as creating landscapes for bats is ambitious, but we’re already making progress
and if bats are to survive we have to create the spaces they so desperately
With this in mind we’re appealing for donations to help us support landscape
scale conservation efforts helping to provide bats the food, water and shelter
that they need to survive.
The struggle to conserve our unique bats is greater now than ever before and
with that in mind we are asking for your support. Please donate to our
landscape appeal. Even a small amount really does help us make a difference.