an artificial underground hibernation roost in Brittany
Interview: Josselin Boireau, Groupe Mammalogique Breton,
by Beatrice Dopita, River Allen Bat Roost.
BD: What
inspired the creation of a hibernaculum in Brittany?
JB: In Brittany
the places where bats roost are determined by the geology of the land. Granite
rocks, open heathland and dispersed areas of woodland make the bats choose
sites, like quarries, historic fortifications, and old buildings, which
inevitably bring the bats into conflict with man. In certain areas natural
roost sites are hard to find and it is for this reason that the Groupe
Mammalogique Breton decided to create a series of artificial roost sites for
hibernation and for maternity roosts. Brittany has 21 bat species and the GMB
has led a series of research projects and mitigation measures dating from the
late 1980s. Since 2010 these projects have become more ambitious and artificial
roost sites have been created whenever the opportunity has arisen.
The opportunity to build a large hibernation roost in the
north of Brittany arose when the quarry company CMGO (Carrière
et Matériaux du Grand Ouest) based at Trégeux in the
Côtes d’Armor, proposed an expansion of their quarrying activities – permission
for the development became linked to this ambitious mitigation project by the
GMB and the creation of underground tunnels began under the leadership of
Thomas Dubos, colleague of Josselin Boireau.
Photo: Excavation of tunnels
BD: How
long did it take to create and what sort of support/guidance did you get?
JB: The project evolved in several phases, the
first stage of construction was undertaken by the quarry company over a period
of three months then the project was set aside for two years. The next stage of
construction involved a company of builders to construct a labyrinth of breeze
block walls. This took a further 9 months and was completed towards the end of

Photo: Breeze block construction.
BD: What
were the highs and lows of this project?
JB: Our early attempts to build this artificial
roost were very encouraging and seemed to cost very little. The quarry company
had offered to do all the excavation work themselves and proposed building the
hibernation roost tunnels using materials that were already available on site.
The walls were built using breeze blocks laid on the bias with a roof of old
telegraph poles; unfortunately, the roof lacked the necessary solidity and the
whole structure collapsed! The necessity for the quarry company to invest in
more suitable materials brought the whole project to a halt. Construction did
not start again until the beginning of 2016. Recent signs that the bats have
started to use the new tunnels, just a few weeks after they were built, have
given us hope after such a discouraging start to this project.
Photo: Later stage of the construction.
BD: What
happens now in terms of maintaining the site and monitoring it for the long
JB: We realise that the colonisation of a new
site can take some time and now that the tunnels are there we are content to
see them evolve and to take advice from experts like Colin Morris, of the
Vincent Wildlife Trust, who has already had considerable success with the
creation of purpose-built underground roost sites. We are managing the site
lightly and minimising any disturbance to perhaps two visits per year. We have
installed equipment to measure the humidity and the temperature of various
sections of the tunnels so that we can recreate, as much as possible, the
conditions in natural roost sites chosen by the bats in this area.
BD: Have
you seen any signs that bats have moved in? What were the signs and which
species have moved in?
JB: We have
already observed bat droppings in the tunnels and butterfly wings on the floor!
This indicates that several species of bat are already using the tunnels as a
roost. We are hoping to install some passive acoustic detectors so that we can
analyse the bat calls to give us an indication of the different species using
the roost.
Photos taken in the tunnels showing evidence of use by
BD: What
would you say to other groups thinking about creating their own hibernaculum?
JB: The long-term
survival of bat colonies depends on the availability of suitable roost sites
and on the management of foraging sites around the roost. The creation of
suitable cavities, especially for maternity roosts, and of tunnels which
provide a constant temperature for winter hibernation roosts is hugely
important as bats live for a long time and such projects can prove critical to
their long-term survival. Education of the public, conservationists, and those
in authority is essential as the preservation of natural roost sites is more
important than any mitigation measures that we can devise. It would be a great dis-service to the
bats if all we could offer them in twenty years’ time would be a concrete
BD: Do you have any plans for future developments based on your
experience of this project?
JB: We hope to
continue with our plans to increase the provision of these artificial roost
sites but also to preserve the natural sites which bats are using at the
moment, in areas of known bat populations, particularly the Greater Horseshoes.
In parallel to this we are encouraging landowners to retain, and maintain, old
hedgerows which link roost sites and provide foraging corridors. In
France there is a national programme for preserving areas
of biodiversity called “Trame Verte et Bleue” (Green lines and Blue) the aim of
this programme is to preserve the connections between areas that are important
to wildlife so that animals, and even plant species, are not limited by
geographic isolation. This has been incorporated into urban development for
several years and wildlife corridors are being established. There is a strong
incentive to promote such ideas, not only for the bats, but for all of us who
care about the natural world. We are committed to promote ambitious
conservation projects like this hibernation roost in Brittany.
BD: Although the GMB
is quite a small organisation it is certainly punching above its weight. Their
recent publication of the Atlas des Mammifières de Bretagne should be an
inspiration to all of us. It is full of maps and splendid photographs, showing
the distribution of mammals in Brittany. It is particularly good on bats – be
sure to take your bat detectors on holiday and report your finds via their
The GMB are giving the bats a
voice at regional and at national level in France – we should all be trying to
inform and work with our local councils, our MPs, and the general public to be
more sensitive to the needs of bats in our local environment.
JB: As for the
vast hibernation site in the quarry, come back in ten years’ time and we will
tell you how it’s going…
Josselin Boireau Thomas Dubos
chauves-souris dans le Finistère - coordinateur du Contrat Nature «
Micromammifères et Trame Verte et Bleue »
Breton Mammal Group
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