Darren Henwood contacted the National Bat Helpline recently with a desire to find out more about creating an ideal residence for bats. Darren has now created an extraordinary bat house which he is hoping will be appreciated and used by bats in the area of Essex where he lives. We decided to do an interview with him for this blog to find out more.
Darren Henwood with his 7.5m wide bat house in the background. |
Darren created roughly 21 square meters of accommodation for bats! |
1. Can you remember
seeing your first bat?
Yes, I saw my first bat when night fishing with my dad when
I was about 5-6, made me jump at first but he said to relax and keep and eye
around the bushes hanging over the waters edge, my first bat was part of a
considerably large amount of bats! :) Looking back there must have been
hundreds that night...
2. When did you first
contact Bat Conservation Trust and why?
I had recently built a wooden garage at our home, and as we
were keen to expand from the chickens we had to more livestock and some
conservation factors too, we decided to build a bat roost/home on the flank
end, also we had become privy to knowledge that a derelict, old, old pub on
the corner of our road (the only other building on it in fact) was due for
demolition, so this inspired me to "go big" and try to encourage any
residents there to re-home here, I suspected there may have been horseshoe bats
and pipistrelles as the roof damage looked promising for both to be there, from
what research I had done anyway :) I wanted to basically re-iterate these
findings and researched info with a nexus of the right info, so the BCT seemed
a logical choice, and Grace was fantastic help sending info to answer all my
questions and with some varied plans, so I used this information with that I
had researched to try and couple all the elements into what you have called the
BHE (which we love here btw!)
Darren is looking forward to the bats moving in |
The design is based on the Kent Bat Box |
3. What inspired you to
create this magnificent bat box/house?
Most of what I said in question 2 is covered for this
question, however I also have a keen technology mindset and wanted to be able
to get cameras and bat listening devices set up in the BHE so that when
(hopefully) it is occupied and I can no longer "intervene" things
would be in place to enable the family and I to observe from the house, phone
or even at school/college... :) Also once this is in place, if there is any
data or information that would be of use to the BCT or other people keen to
home bats, then that would be equally fantastic!
4. Do you have a
favourite UK bat species?
I have no favourite species, although my first memories are that
of what I now know to be Pipistrelle bats, so would be keen to see them again,
and have built a fair %age of the BHE for them to hopefully enjoy, also the
lesser horseshoe bat has been accommodated for with plans from both the BCT and
other online shares by enthusiasts, I kept the options lower for them as I
believe there is a less habiat for the pipistrelle around us, but with all the
essex clad barns etc, I think the horseshoes have a good shout in our area..
but then I'm only a few months into checking this all out, so.........
That said, any species would be welcomed as there is the
added bonus that we can spend more time outside at night with less chance of
being munched on by annoying biting insects :D
5. Any
weird/wonderful bat facts or bat experience that you want to share with us?
Nothing that's going to turn heads sadly, but have
previously had a bat fly into my landing net when it was set up to dry in the
breeze at dusk, I now leave my nets on the ground till daylight/bat free hours
6. Why do you think
bats are misunderstood or undervalued by so many people?
Late 50's horror films, old wives tales and Christopher
Nolan. I would say they are undervalued by people as I feel there is very
little useful information generally available, people have to actively seek
information, and I suspect many people don't understand or know half of the
species (all animals) in this country that could really do with a little help
from us Humans... If you asked 100 people if they would have bats roosting in
their eves or an eves/wall box they would probably shun them thinking they are
blood sucking dirty monsters,,,
7. In your opinion,
what is the biggest threat faced by bats?
Ignorance to their need for safe, undisturbed habitat/s and
destruction without thought of existing habitat, as we think happened just up
from us here.
8. Huge thank
you for what you are doing. What advice would you give others who might
consider following your example.
Ask questions, no matter how stupid you think
they are to recognised bodies such as yourselves at the BCT, I had no
practical/useful knowledge of bats so I immediately searched for a good,
reliable source of information, as I said earlier Grace was very helpful and I
would say anyone wanting to help maintain and help with propagation of bats
should ask first, asking isn't a silly thing to do!